Use Emojis in Tables

I want to create a table from my daily notes, like in the picture, but I can’t use emoji categories. What could be the issue?

It’s hard to say, because you haven’t shown how you’re making your table, or what the problem is.

You tagged this as dataview. Is this a dataview table? Please show your dataview code, and what you’ve tried so far. You can put the code between 3 and 4 backticks like this:

Your code here

I assume your screenshot is an example of how you want it to work. Where did you get this example? Are you copying the code from a tutorial or an example? Can you please show it or link it?

Or show a screenshot of it not working, so we can understand your problem. Please show us a screenshot of what “can’t use emoji categories” means. Are you getting an error? Does the header just not show up? etc.

Yes Sorry. The Screenshot is from this post:

Here’s my current code for example:

FROM "📆Journal"

No matter if I use :+1::: in the text or :+1: in the properties, the table gets generated, but it doesn’t display any content.

When I try a similar setup with plain text, like this:

TABLE test
FROM "📆Journal"

…and use test:: in my text, it works perfectly, and the table is populated as expected.