Updated docker-obsidian container

Hello everyone!

I wanted to share with you all about my project to update @sytone’s container for Obsidian. Recently, I have been working on updating the container to use the latest linuxserver.io kasm base image. I wanted to learn more about the process of developing, building and deploying a docker image.

I would love to hear your feedback on the changes that I have made to the container, and any suggestions you might have for future improvements. Please feel free to check out my repository on GitHub, where you can find the latest updates and changes that I have made.

Link: GitHub - rsmacapinlac/docker-obsidian: A docker image for obsidian using the linuxserver.io base image.

I like the idea!
I will try it out.

Having just loaded the docker image and defined a new vault, I’m finding the first thing that doesn’t feel right is that using CTRL-N to start a new note instead opens a new web browser window. Is there an alternative key binding that should be used?