When opening a local graph from a note that is pinned and then unlinking note and local graph, the graph does not change being based on another note when switching to this other note (changing the active note).
Steps to reproduce:
- Open a note
- Pin the note
- Open a local graph for this note via command
- Unlink note and local graph
- Switch to another note
- Switch back to initial note
- Unpin note
- Switch to another note
Result: The graph continues to be based on the previous pinned note the local graph has been spawned on (in case of step 5 and step 8).
When spawning the local graph on a note that is not pinned you can unlink note and local graph and then switch active not resulting in automatically changing the local graph view.
Expected Behaviour: Whether a note is pinned or not should not result in different behaviours of a local graph spawned on the note.
System information:
- Kubuntu 22.04
- Linux Kernel 6.11
- KDE Plasma 6.1.5
- Wayland
- Obsidian 1.6.7 (AppImage)