Unlink or change link type of quoted/embedded blocks

Continuing the discussion from Markdown grammar/syntax for Incoming vs Outgoing links:

I’ll add this also: ![[Quoting ^a block]] from A Previous Note to The Current Note creates an Outgoing Link to the Previous Note, which in the case mentioned above, is even more of a problem. Could the quote/embed not be automatically counted as a link?

Proposed solution

Quoted blocks with the syntax ![[Note Title^block]] don’t create an Outgoing Link but an Incoming one. (or perhaps, no link at all. if I want an Incoming or Outgoing link, I can always add it manually afterwards)

Current workaround (optional)

I just do not use the feature anymore and instead copy-paste the blocks in question. Sort of defeats the purpose of using Obsidian, but it avoids creating links that go against the logic of what I am writing.

Related feature requests (optional)