Unleash Creativity: Explore the Obsidian CSS Snippets Collection!

Few weeks ago, I made a post on the Obsidian Discord server showcasing all the CSS snippets I have collected (link to the post). I received a huge response and many requests to share these snippets. That’s why I decided to create this repository.


What’s Inside?

  • Lots of easy-to-use design tweaks.
  • Tested to work with Obsidian version 1.4.16 (default theme).
  • Two ways to use: Download the whole vault or pick your favorites.

(Permissions have been obtained from the primary authors contributing the majority of CSS snippets in this collection)

How to Get It: Check it out here: GitHub link

Feel free to adjust the wording further based on your preferences. The goal is to make it clear and friendly for everyone in the community.