Hi I just started using Obsidian a few days ago - it’s great, but…
I cannot find where the vault and the markdown files are located. I am using a Mac. I found the Obsidian file, the help files but can’t find my own files.
Obsidian opens my vault but I don’t know where my vault is! I tried “Show in system explorer” but that doesn’t work. I tried using finder to find markdown files, that doesn’t work. This is driving me nuts - the vault kind of tells me where to look but when I look there my personal vault is nowhere to be seen.
I have a feeling it’s in iCloud but doesn’t show anywhere, is it possible they’re hidden files?
sorry I am new to this but have spent a couple of hours trying to sort this out to no avail. Any help appreciated.
further to this - I checked my iCloud and obsidian is using 32 MB of storage, but I can’t see any of the folders or files. Any ideas? seems like they’re in that location which is something…just invisible.
On the left-hand edge of the vault, there is an icon towards the bottom of the window that looks like a safe. Click on that, and it will open a window that lets you choose to open or create another vault. On the left side of that window, you will see a list of the current vaults. One will be the Obsidian Help vault. The other (or others) will be any vault you have created. You will see the full path of every vault.
If you only see the Obsidian Help vault, you have probably been saving your files inside that.
yes, iCloud was listed on the side bar in Finder
I tried unhiding all files in iCloud but the files didn’t show up
Obsidian is listed as an app in iCloud settings and was ticked, but I unticked and reticked a couple of times to see if that fixed the problem…it didn’t
anyway I spent a couple of hours rebuilding a new vault, somewhere visible and I can see all the files. It was probably the least worst option and less frustrating than trying to find it. I had to copy and paste the files manually as there was no way to export, but at least the content was there to be copied.
PS I just tried to find a file from the new vault in “Show in system explorer” and it works perfectly. If only that had happened with the old vault.