Unable to justify unordered list in Reading View

What I’m trying to do

Trying to justify align all text in both Edit/Reading Views. Following the linked post (I keep getting spaces mis-aligning the justified .css), I’m able to make paragraphs justified; however, the same does not work with unordered lists.

Editing View:

Reading View:

Can you help suggest how I can make it work for ul, and ol tags as well. The css snippet works well for p tags.

I’ve moved away from justification of text myself, so haven’t been following along and some things have changed, but this seems to take care of it with a quick test:

/* reading view - text justification in paragraphs and lists */
.markdown-rendered :is(p,li) {
    text-align: justify;
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Works like a charm!! Thank you so much for providing quick fix for the issue.

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