Unable to install community plugin in obsidian in Win 11

if you are in India, search Jio blocks github and learn how to change dns.

No not in India but yes it is not the reason. I am trying with an old version and it is working. So my network is not blocking GitHub anyway.

works for me. where are you in the world? are you using a corporate computer?

With what old version are you testing?

nope! Its working with old version! but I am unable to link with zotero now. Giving me lots of error

its working with old version. I am in a windows 11 system. Anyways Now I am facing problem with zotero obsidian integration.

version 0.15.9

What happens if you acess https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obsidianmd/obsidian-releases/HEAD/community-plugins.json in your browser?

In older versions we used to have a fallback in case GH is inaccessible.
Due to this fallback server falling into questionable hands we had to remove it temporarily unfortunately.

For me its working now! Later the version was automatically updated to latest version and till now everything is smooth except the links from obsidian to zotero pdf.

I have created template in obsidian and then copying and pasting the marked up version of the annotations from the notepad.
After pasting on obsidian and clicking on the view option, I can only see the annotation and their references. But on clicking on the references nothing happens. I should be directed to pdf with the exact page number, right? Also the references are not colored. i don’t understand how to solve this problem.

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