I like to be able to see all of my daily notes in a single note file, so that I can quickly read through things that have happened over time. When I first started using Obsidian, I had a single long note that I just appended each day to. This worked fine, but I was missing the dots on the calendar, and I also use the Tasks plugin that aggregates all your tasks, and this helps keep them sorted as to what day I have a task for. So, I switched to separate daily note files, but created monthly note files, and yearly note files, and embed each day note file into the month note file, then each month note file into the year note file (this also looks really pretty in the graph ).
When I’m having my issue is that when I’m in the month or year files, and I click Ctrl+F (Windows) to look in the file for text that I KNOW is in one of the embedded day note files, I get zero results. I do get results if I Ctrl+Shift+F (global search) that shows the individual daily notes, but this also shows all other notes across my vault.
Things I have tried
I searched here, but only found this one post from 2yrs ago, but no response was given (can’t link post apparently).
I understand that I can use this [1] code block on a parent note page to search all the embedded notes, but having to edit each parent note each time I simply want to Ctrl+F for a word or phrase seems completely counterintuitive with what essentially almost every other program allows (finding within a file - I get the embedding adds some complexity, but if it’s visually in the note file, I’m not technical enough to understand why Ctrl+F can’t see it).
I’m on thin ice now, but I presume the local file search is not using the embedded notes, but the global search do. If this is the case, maybe it works if you use path: /full/path/currentNote search within the global search?
Not sure what the backend difference is, but I’d like to think that if it’s visible in the note viewing window, that Ctrl+F would be able to “see” it as well (I can even select text within embedded notes - I assume not like it’s an embedded binary blob that is unreadable?).
Thanks for the response and suggestion holroy, but this did not work. Even if it did, having to input the full path of the file I just want to Ctrl+F in was already annoying to have to even test this, I couldn’t imagine myself accepting this as a solution long-term; I’d just use the global search without it. On that I “note” (sorry for the pun), I did noticed that since I have my notes, I can use a version of your suggestion to at least narrow the global search “shotgun”: path: /YYYY/MM/ searchWord will essentially show me all the notes in the month, as opposed to simply being to Ctrl+F within the ‘/YYYY/MM/YYYY-MM’ file. This is not a solution, but hopefully just a temporary workaround for me (and anyone else with this narrow usage of notes structure), as this would not work in use cases where embedded notes are not in the same directories.
Thanks for the FR link and suggestion, it did work for me. I rarely use Reading Mode, as Live Preview has been working swimmingly for me, so it didn’t even occur to me to try that. I can work with this, for now, but will EAGERLY await the FR to “fix” this.