Turn Off Pop-Up Bubbles

I asked once before and the answer was a negative so here goes; I was looking for a way to disable all of the pop-up bubbles. There are pop-up bubbles in the top right corner every time a link updates as well as some other actions. There are pop-up bubbles over the Explorer to tell when every file and folder was created and modified. There are pop-up bubbles when hovering over all of the items in the ribbon including new note and new folder. There are pop-up bubbles when hovering over each action key giving the equivalent keyboard shortcut. There are pop-up bubbles throughout the back and outgoing link panes including instructions to click to expand and collapse. Interestingly when working with four vertically placed panes such as two note panes and their respective outline panes where the names of each are near identical and they all get truncated along the top of each pane there is no hovering pop-up bubble to display the file name or location. All of this is exclusive of the Page Preview plugin which I have set to require Ctrl for all preview viewing, the bubbles are just the standard stuff.

I would be in favor of being able to punch a button to disable all pop-up bubbles in order to eliminate all the noise and let a user decide if they want to see that info.

You can use the Hider plugin to turn off tooltips.

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It’s the Hide Tooltips button that did it. Thanks.

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