I am trying to insert pdf files from my professors in my obsidian notes, and in onenote i am able to insert it as one long picture, so that i can take notes next to each of the individual slides. In Obsidian, however, the pdf file becomes a module that covers the whole space, in which i can scroll, but if i want to take notes i have to do it above og below the module. Any solution to this?
If you are able to open the picture above, i basically want the yellow thing to not happen. I only want it as a long picture, like a picture in a word document, that i can make smaller og larger depending on what i need.
Thank you in advance, anyone who can help!
Things I have tried
Messing around with settings, searching the internet for answers, to no effect.
I can imagine something like this:
You take a pic of the PDF and put it in your note. Then you make the image clickable so that the PDF will open (in its own tab prolly).
I never tried it but I’ve seen some threads about this before.