Toggle Numbered/Bullet List commands removes check boxes

Say I have a bulleted list with check boxes:

- [ ] Eggs
- [x] Bacon
- [ ] Butter

If I apply the “Toggle numbered list” command to this. The hyphens are replaced with numbers, but the check boxes are also removed.

1. Eggs
1. Bacon
1. Butter

Likewise, if I have a numbered list with checkboxes…

1. [ ] Eggs
2. [x] Bacon
3. [ ] Butter

…and apply the toggle bullet list command, it replaces the numbered list with a bulleted list but also removed the check boxes.

- Eggs
- Bacon
- Butter

This is frustrating as not only do I loose the check boxes, but also what items I had checked off or not.

There also does not appear to be an automatic way to remove a checkbox from a bulleted or numbered list item while keeping the number or bullets. Say I start with a bulleted list with check boxes

- [ ] Eggs
- [x] Bacon
- [ ] Butter

I’d like a “toggle checkboxes” command which add or removes the checkboxes, but keeps the bullets or numbers.

- Eggs
- Bacon
- Butter

Does anyone else find these toggle commands in Obsidian confusing?

Maybe I’m biased because I’m coming from using Dynalist where there are distinct and separate commands for number children/stop numbering children, add/remove checkbox, and check off/uncheck.

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