Todoist Sync plugin restrict to single project

What I’m trying to do

I am trying to get the todoist sync plugin to restrict the tasks (todos) that it shows to those for a particular project.

Things I have tried

I have read a number of articles on using this plugin and watched a few videos. (Some examples show quotes and curly braces, some don’t; I’m using both). I tried these three queries and got different results. The first two just show the title and give “Nothing to do! Sit back and relax.”

“name”: “Life Tasks–Life with today, tomorrow, overdue, and no due date”,
“filter”: “(today | tomorrow | overdue | no due date) & #Life
“name”: “Life Tasks2–just Life”,
“filter”: “#Life
“name”: “Life Tasks3 --just today, overdue, tomorrow, and no due date”,
“filter”: “(today | tomorrow | overdue | no due date)”

The last one shows several todos for the all of my projects including “#Life” and four of those ones for “#Life” are for today and two are from yesterday. I expected the first and second queries to show all six of these queries for “#Life”. Am I doing something wrong with my queries? I have this problem whenever I try to restrict my query to a single project.



Arrrghh. The emojis are part of the name; so when I just used “#Life” it wasn’t a match. I couldn’t find the proper emoji with the emoji toolbar (a target) that I was using, but cutting and pasting the project title out of Todoist worked.


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