Todoist Plugin error, please help: “The Todoist API has rejected the request. Please check the filter to ensure it is valid."

Need help with Todoist plugin in Obsidian

Hello everyone!

I’m facing an issue with the Todoist plugin in Obsidian and could really use some help.

The problem:
When trying to display tasks from Todoist in Obsidian, I get the error:
“The Todoist API has rejected the request. Please check the filter to ensure it is valid.”

What works:

  • The API token is successfully accepted by the plugin (green checkmark in settings)
  • Creating new tasks in Todoist from Obsidian works correctly

What doesn’t work:

  • Tasks from Todoist are not displayed in Obsidian
  • Even a simple inbox filter doesn’t work

Example query:

name: Daily Quests
filter: "Inbox"

What I’ve tried:

Has anyone encountered something similar or has any ideas on how to solve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your replies!