To Change fonts of MathJax

What I’m trying to do

I am not ok with the Way my Math Formulas look now. I would like to change it to one of my favorite fonts “Arial Narrow”. But unfortunately I was not able to figure out a way to achieve this.

Things I have tried

  • I did not find an option to change the font of MathJax from Appearance.
  • I tried using the following css but it changed only the part of \text{Text}.
    font-family: "Arial Narrow" !important;
  • I want the change to be applied to my entire formula.
  • It would be a great help if this is achieved.

The above CSS is missing something: MJX-TEX is a class name, so you have to prefix it with a dot, like this:

    font-family: "Arial Narrow";

I don’t think the !important part is actually important in this case, though…

Without !important it did not work. Anyway it is not working fully.

$Hi = \text{Hi}$


I want all the text to look like the second Hi in MathJax using “Arial Narrow” as the font.

Then here’s a last resort quick & dirty solution:

.MJX-TEX * {
    font-family: "Arial Narrow" !important;
.mjx-i {
	font-style: italic !important;

Thank You So Much It worked with a small change.

.MJX-TEX * {
    font-family: "Arial Narrow" !important;
.mjx-i {
        font-family: "Arial Narrow" !important;


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