Tip: quickly find non-existing notes in the graph view


I’m not sure if this area is the right location to post this, but I was trying to figure out a way to clearly see non-exiting notes in the graph view. I know they are shown in dark grey, but the more notes you have in your vault, the more difficult it is to see all of them.

So after some tweaking, I found the following:

  • in the graph view, go to groups and create a “new group”
  • for this group, enter the following: file: “” and select a color

This will mean that every existing file will get that color.
Non-existing notes will be in dark grey still, but they will be much easier to distinguish from existing notes.

Note: this also works if you already have other group coloring set up.
So for example, area X will be in green, Area Y in yellow, and all other existing notes will be in red.

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