I want to create a timeline of events in my life. I’ve done this before on my old website using HTML tables, but I wanted to transfer it to Obsidian.
I tried a couple of the timeline plugins, but they didn’t quite do exactly what I wanted, or were too complex in some way or another. So I went with a simple sorted table of items.
I have a set of notes tagged with lifeTimeline
. These notes include fields for year, quarter, event type and so on.
- LifeTimeline
timeline-event-type: Life Event
timeline-location: "[[Locations/Bedford]]"
timeline-start-date: 1972-06-10
timeline-year: 1972
timeline-quarter: 2
Then I have a dataview query which returns these notes sorted by year and quarter and includes a column for a short summary, and also an icon for the type of event (life event, education, accommodation and so on) derived using a FLATTEN command.
The dataview for this version works fine:
TABLE WITHOUT ID typeIcon as "T", file.link as "Event", (timeline-year + "q" + timeline-quarter) as Q, timeline-summary as "Summary"
FROM #LifeTimeline
FLATTEN {"Education": "📝","Work": "🛠️","Accomodation": "🏠", "Life Event": "❤️", "Pet": "🐱"}[timeline-event-type] as typeIcon
WHERE file.name != "template_LifeTimeline"
SORT timeline-year ASC, timeline-quarter ASC
The output:
What I want to do next is group by Year and perhaps Quarter. I’ve managed to add grouping, and display the Link for the notes by referring to rows
, but the other information does not display:
TABLE rows.file.link, rows.file.timeline-summary, typeIcon
FROM #LifeTimeline
FLATTEN {"Education": "📝","Work": "🛠️","Accomodation": "🏠", "Life Event": "❤️", "Pet": "🐱"}[rows.file.timeline-event-type] as typeIcon
WHERE rows.file.name != "template_LifeTimeline"
GROUP BY timeline-year AS Year
Problems with this:
- Summary not displaying for each note.
- typeIcon not displaying for each note.
- template_LifeTimeline not being filtered out.
- Possible to add another level of grouping for Quarter?
All help gratefully received!