Tikzjax generates broken image

Installed the tikzjax package and copied some sample code to test it with and it displays a broken image icon. Does that mean there something conflicting with the package that is messing with the rendering? I’ve tried various tikz code snippets to test it out and all had the same ouput.



    \draw [help lines, <->] (-10, 0) grid (10,0);
    \draw [help lines, <->] (0,-10) grid (0,10);
    % You can clip the x-axis and y-axis
    \clip (-10,-10) rectangle (10,10);
    \draw [green,domain=-10:10] plot (\x, {3*\x + 5});
    \draw [blue,domain=-10:10] plot (\x, {3*\x + 9});

This is the broken image generated:

Anyone experienced this issue before?

When submitting bug reports, you need to follow and include the bug report template. Thanks.

Tikzjax looks like a community plugin, so this doesn’t belong in the bug reports category.

I’d check their GitHub page for issues.

Moved to Help for now.