July 7, 2023, 6:54am
What I’m trying to do
I need 10 checkboxes in a row, and to be clickable in both reading or editing mode.
It helps me to make scales from 1 to 10 in other apps like Evernote.
Things I have tried
I found exactly what i’ve been looking for here
Originally it was optimized on my laptop, I was worried it could be an issue with that. Tested it, and it appears on mobile that the css snippet needs higher prioritization
Add !important to the declarations like so,
/* ---------- Markdown Version ---------- */
.task-list-item {
display: inline-flex !important;
.task-list-item-checkbox:not([data-line="0"]) {
margin-left: calc(var(--list-indent)/3.75) !important;
Your previous themes and snippets c…
And i want this
Both on my windows 10, and android
But then i use latest snippet from the topic, i weirdly get this:
The snippet itself
/* ---------- Markdown Version ---------- */
.task-list-item {
display: inline-flex !important;
.task-list-item-checkbox:not([data-line="0"]) {
margin-left: calc(var(--list-indent)/3.75) !important;
This CSS is only going to work when switching to reading view.
Editing Live Preview mode:
Reading mode:
July 7, 2023, 8:53am
Thanks for reply, so there is no way to create horizontal checkbox in editing mode?
I’m far from a CSS magician, so I can’t say there’s “no way”, but I don’t think so.
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October 5, 2023, 9:44am
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