have you tried to refresh with CTRL R to see if the problem persists ?
The top icons (folder and starred) should be hidden/replaced by text, and the icons below should be red like the image below :
Can you please provide more details on your system and resolution ? also, do you have any additionnal css mod installed aside from the theme (if so, which ones, as some classes may be overruled) ?
so far, I’ve only tested it on windows 1920x1080 up to 3820x2160 without notable issues, so any hint would be useful to fix the issue.
thanks !
I got this bug, I set up Simplified Chinese as OB’s default language. Maybe some problems occured when I changed default langugae to non-en language. I post them as follow.
You could try changing your OB’s default language to other language and checking what happened.
Simplified Chinese
PS: It works well when I use English as default language. Sorry I blamed it on high resolution.
Thanks for the feeback, it’s indeed linked to the language settings. Good news is that it’s easy to fix, bad news is it will require modifcations for all languages, as I’m targeting aria-label to replace icons by the appropriate text.
I’ve fixed it for simplified chinese (zh) for now, BUT the text icons will still displayed in english. Grab the new version here:
the new version also has a couple of new features activated by default :
focus mode by death.au (with opacity mod)
wysiwym headings mode (in edit mode, #,##,###… hadings markup are replaced by H1-H6 text in the gutter), see gif below
I will not provide updates for other languages, my main focus is ENGLISH. However you are welcome to localize the theme in your own language. I will be happy to incorporate your modifications if you share them here of make a fork/pull request via github.
To this effect, here is a small guide on how to make the translations :
as there are no classes available to select individual icons, the theme relies on targeting aria-label which is language dependant and MAY evolve with different versions. Thus currently, the theme breaks if you are not using ENGLISH or CHINESE SIMPLIFIED.
by default, the theme is designed for english language and text icons will de displayed in english (eg. files, search, star,tags, backlinks,outline)
you need to duplicate the line and replace the label with the correct translation, eg div[aria-label*="Explorateur de fichiers"], for french language.
don’t forget the , (comma) at the end of the line if you add it above
to find the exact aria-label to use, look in the obsidian-translation github and open the json file corresponding to your language, for instance :
es.json for spanish
fr.json for french
zh-tw.json for canto, etc…,
it’s important to get the correct names for each [aria-label*=…], or else it will fail !
using [arial-label*=…] should be better than [aria-label=…] (note the *, for more info google css selector contains)
then look in your language json file around line 273, where it says
"plugins": {
"name": "...
in the json file, search for the section for file-explorer (line 275) and use what’s after "name:" as the [aria-label] content, so for french it looks like:
"file-explorer": {
"name": "Explorateur de fichiers",
"desc": "Voir tous les fichiers de votre projet.",
thus you would use “Explorateur de fichiers” and add this to the obsidian.css around line 1140:
div[aria-label="Explorateur de fichiers"],
div[aria-label="File explorer"],
repeat the same process for the search and starred lines.
2. replace icons by text icons
around line 1149-1310 of the obsidian css.
following the same process that I described above, you need to add definitions for your language everywhere you see a div[aria-label...
so for french, where it’s currently (around line 1150):
rinse and repeat, look for lines with div[aria-label..., duplicate and replace with the correct translation. Just make sure to copy/paste each line individually while preserving all the content, make sure there is a comma at the end and doucle-check the aria-label content with the translation files from the obsidian translation github.
if you make the modifications for other languages, please share
thanks for the bug report, I’ll try to fix it asap.
Meanwhile, you can fold by clicking on the left of the arrow (approx. 10 px to the left, where the line number 1 is displayed on the gif below).
the icon is intended more to the left that it should be;
the colour of connected notes is black (or nearly black), the name of the linked notes should be visible. They’re visible in the bright red colour in the global graph.
EDIT: Huh, looks like the second issue was somehow resolved when I restarted Obsidian, which just leaves the first one.
About the bug, I’m not sure which icon you are referring to ? Could you explain it a bit more please ? is the problem always visible or does it occur in a specific situation ?
it’s sometimes necessary to refresh obsidian with CTRL R (or restart it) after switching themes or when going for dark mode to light mode (or vice versa) to avoid bugs in the graph view.
@Hibiscus it should be available within obsidian’s settings now, SIlver added it yesterday ! Don’t forget to backup your css snippets/customizations before switching themes, and refresh once it’s installed (CTRL R)
Just came across this theme and love it! However, I’m seeing a weird glitch when I use it: it seems to cut off the first bits of each line. Below is a screenshot. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?