The problem with tags in YAML

The documentation says

Front matter is a YAML block with triple dashes both before and after. It also needs to be placed at the very top of the file.

But if I write tags at the beginning, they don’t work (Example from the forum).

  - #Uni/Assessment
  - #Uni 

But if I insert text in front of this block, the tags will appear in the list.

  - #Uni/Assessment
  - #Uni 

A very strange contradiction. How to do it right?

you will have to put the tags inside quotes. for example- “#tag1” or ‘#tag1’.

Although I am not 100% sure but I don’t think that it is a bug. It is just that YAML works like this

But if I put quotation marks then the # prompt doesn’t work. Another bug.
"#(no tips)

I’m talking about that.

I tried doing the above and yes there are no prompts while trying to add tags in the metadata. However it is also the same inside the body. So i guess it is less of a bug and has got more to do with syntax.

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Just don’t use # in the YAML—it means comment starts here.

These should both work:

tags: [Uni/Assessment, Uni]

# Rest of the note


  - Uni/Assessment
  - Uni

# Rest of the note

Ok, I’m using tags a lot and I’m looking for a way to type them quickly. If I do not use #, I can very easily make mistakes when typing.
For example, in TiddlyWiki I can quickly select ready-made tags and not have to worry about remembering their names every time.
Therefore, I am waiting for the system to allow me to do this, instead of constantly typing with my own hands.

It probably won’t. YAML is what YAML is.

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