Text caret is shift

I using Minimal Theme . curenntly,Text caret is shift.

  • If there is an embedded link, the text below it seems to be shifted.

Do you know how to fix this?

Steps to reproduce

The same thing happens with other themes.


  • Operating system: macOS Big Sur Version 11.6
  • Obsidian version:v0.12.19

Additional information

bug reports

I presume that you do not use a US-English (en-us) keyboard. Obsidian seems to know only the en-us keyboard layout for some special characters. Try using the key that has the desired function on the en-us keyboard. If the key you want is what I think, try shift-6 on your keyboard. This should produce the ^ sign.


The language of my environment is English.

If you press Shift+6, it will look like this

Please resubmit this bug report and make sure that: 1) you follow the bug report template, 2) you use the default theme (no css) and 3) there are no third-party plugins enabled (You can use the help vaul t for 2 and 3).

Thanks, I have done the following

  • CSS Theme is off
  • Reinstalled Obsidian app
  • Community Plugins enabled

It seems that there is a problem with the output of the Editor when the Ozan’s Image In Editor Plugin is on.

The editor is now working when this plugin is off.

I will ask the author about this problem.


This problem had already been reported.