I would like to install Obsidian, open a dropbox folder with 10-100GB of mixed data including :
media files
java / programs source code
linked notes
This study has been carried out as I was never able to use v1.5.12 and see my vault folder tree inside Obsidian app.
This particular 1.5.12 version has been initializing ok on an empty local vault on Dropbox but not on the existing folder - where it hanged on loading cache / workspace. Tried this one several times. Killed process through Activity Monitor
Hardware is Mac i7 2.3 + 16GB RAM - loads of space on hdd.
Things I have tried
So to refine and attempt the testing I iterated the following scenario :
delete Obsidian.app
delete .obsidian in vault folder location
delete ~/Library/Application Support/obsidian
install obsidian through Mac installer
open folder as vault
no pluggins
no change of settings
created a note > observed lag on note title renaming - then updating ok
restart app to observe full reindexing (expected behaviour ?)
dropbox folder setup to be local to ssd drive
v1.5.12 > see above
v1.5.8 > hanged on loading Workspace > killed process
v1.5.3 > opened ok - initial index in less <2’ / restart + full reindex in <2’
v1.4.16 > could not boot the app
v1.4.14 > opened ok - initial index in less <2’ / restart + full reindex in <2’ / note creation lag
Same behaviour on v 1.4.12, 1.4.11, 1.4.10, 1.4.5, 1.3.7, 1.2.8 & 1.1.16
Other observations
When creating a sample vault with low number of data - indexing is invisible
=> It seems to do it so quickly that there is a optical illusion of no reindexing but reindexing happens
1/ what is expected between initial start and subsequent starts ?
I understood :
Start 1 > initial indexing - ok “happens only once”
Start n > in my view there should not be another Initial full indexing - but intermediate one only if files have changed between sessions
2/ what could explain the lag when renaming a note in obsidian ? the workflow is the following
create note
change title
press Enter to edit content > it takes time to have the cursor going on the note body section to add text
does not happen on folder sitting on hdd without being syncing on DB - can there be a thread locking mechanism interfering ?
I have checked all the settings on dropbox to make local copies - see links bellow.
The folder is in the standard /Users//Library/CloudStorage
This is forced by Dropbox last version
For the time being - there is a regression compared to 1.5.3 which I am reverting to for now so the initialization can happen and I can start building the vault.
Also Obsidian app is set not to sync with iCloud
It’s possible that MacOS / Dropbox have introduced some change in their “apis” that are affecting Obsidian behaviour - this is a real show stopper for those later versions including 1.6.2 which has the same behaviour as 1.5.8 /1.5.12.
Still versions < 1.5.3 are initializing correctly, albeit the full re-index on each app restart - which is less of a problem compared to not initialising at all.
So I am progressing - the topic is that I have a folder with java and other source code in the vault folder.
This is containing 200K files so probably a challeng for the local obsidian db to maintain the index in shape.
That being said I experimented the following on 1.5.12
=> copy my dropbox content to the Local Document folder (no icloud no dropbox)
=> open that folder as a vault
=> opened ok with indexing 10K files out of the ~200K
Closed obsidian
Restarted > reindex happened
Then I removed the ~200K sources files out of the vault
=> obsidian indexed in a blink - but I still think the full reindexing happen on all the program startup - not just initial
=> the main difference is when vault is on non Dropbox folder, even if big, it can start (5.12). When on DB with local file - it does not.
Is this expected ? will it be investigated by the team ?
1/ 1.5.3 installer + 1.5.12 app is quicker to load vault from existing folder than 1.5.12 installer + app which never gets initialized on my big vault
2/ ignoring a folder in a vault generated from an existing folder doe not have benefits on performance - ie creating an new note is taking 1 second+ to be committed on file system
3/ creating a new vault from scratch in dropbox root => creation of a new note is immediate w/o lag
=> size of folder has a real impact on the i/o generated for new note
4/ when using a bigger vault - CPU is 100%+ / go normal when creating a vault from scratch
a) Maybe I have overlooked it, but have you tried a setup without Dropbox? My approach to debugging an Obsidian vault typically starts like this:
Create a new local vault on my Mac. Make sure that it is in a location that is not being synced with any cloud. (Depending on your MacOS settings, MacOS might be syncing Desktop and Documents folders to iCloud without you noticing it.)
Use Mac’s Finder to copy some of files from an external source to the new vault. See how Obsidian handles them. Then add more files. See how Obsidian handles those. Repeat until all files are copied to the new vault.
Only when I’m sure that Obsidian can process this vault offline, I start exploring sync options.
b) Explore sync options with smaller vaults. Does Obsidian work at all with Dropbox? Obsidian can’t access Dropbox servers directly. So it works with a local copy that is managed by Dropbox’ official app or some other apps that you might use to sync Dropbox servers with your devices. There’s a lot that can go wrong here, even with tiny vaults.
c) Number of files. In my experience Obsidian can handle 10K files easily. But I don’t recall any success story that involves 100K files or more.
d) File names and types of files. Obisidan seems to handle some file names and some types of files better than others.
e) There’s a feature request that addresses the use case of large folders with mixed data. Many problems should disappear, if it were possible to exclude certain file types, file names or whole folders from indexing:
I did follow the exact same approach as you to pinpoint the root cause.
Solution is point c)
So I have put my source code project out of dropbox itself - after some thinking I also wondered how my usual IDE (Intelij) would behave with classes source on a cloud provider - even with local copies files
That source folder was 200K files.
As I write I just retried the opening of my “root” folder with complete directory structure and usual workload files and docs > works like a charm - we’re back to business.
Will close the topic for now
Thanks for your undefeated support - much appreciated !