Templater folder templates not working - "This folder already has a template associated with it" error

What I’m trying to do

I’m using the “folder templates” feature in templater to hugely streamline my process of note-taking in my studies. Currently, I’m making a lot of use of folder structures, and it is hugely desireable to have folder templates for specific folders, and a default template for everything else.

However, at the moment I’m getting a templater error “This folder already has a template associated with it”, when I select a folder for which to apply a specific template.
My assumption was that since I’ve got a default template for the root directory, this is conflicting with templates for subfolders. However, even when I removed this default template, I was still getting the same problem. So now I’m really confused…

Things I have tried

I thought that perhaps there was a problem of hierarchy, and thus I reordered the folder templates to see if this would change the order in which a template was selected, as in the image below, but this didn’t seem to do anything.

That was the only idea I could really come up with. Now I’m pretty stumped. No idea what’s going wrong. Is this just a bug?

I realise I didn’t state explicitly that the templates weren’t being applied. It’s not just an error notification!

Nevermind, I’m an idiot. I wasn’t formatting the templates correctly (I was formatting them as one would use template, rather than templater, and forgot that when you apply templater it affects how things are formatted). So the templates were actually being applied, but because it was formatted wrong, the specific things I was wanting to be applied were invisible.