Templater deletes parts of templater script

Hi there,

my templater scripts has two parts (thanks to the explanations of @gino_m in that thread):

  1. adding / updating properties
  2. Moving note to specific folder
  3. adding a dataview

If I use this templater script I see the following:

  • No error message
  • the dataview source code
  • After (assumable) 0,5 seconds the dataview code gets deleted and the properties are added

My question is:
Why will the dataview be deleted?

… what is funny:
If I use this script a second time, on that note, that - now - already has the right properties, the dataview will be added…

Templater script for library notes

// Check if the 'value' tag exists before adding it
setTimeout(() => {
  app.fileManager.processFrontMatter(tp.config.target_file, frontmatter => {
	let key = "aliases"
	let value = ""
	if (!frontmatter[key] || !frontmatter[key].includes(value)) {
      const prop_Array = Array.isArray(frontmatter[key]) ? frontmatter[key] : [];
      if (!prop_Array.includes(value)) {
        frontmatter[key] = prop_Array;
	key = "created"
	value = tp.date.now()
	if (!frontmatter[key] || !frontmatter[key].includes(value)) {
	  const prop_Array = Array.isArray(frontmatter[key]) ? frontmatter[key] : [];
	  if (!prop_Array.includes(value)) {
		frontmatter[key] = prop_Array;
	key = "tags"
	value = "note/library"
	if (!frontmatter[key] || !frontmatter[key].includes(value)) {
      const prop_Array = Array.isArray(frontmatter[key]) ? frontmatter[key] : [];
      if (!prop_Array.includes(value)) {
        frontmatter[key] = prop_Array;
	delete frontmatter['Unwanted property']
}, 550); // Timeout to allow preceding clipboard operations to complete
<% await tp.file.move("Atlas/Maps/Library/" + tp.file.title) %>
Table tags, file.folder
From #note or "Atlas"
Where contains(Library, [[]])

Thanks in advance,
kind regards,


I’m not seeing this.
Try increasing the timeout value maybe.

(Also, as a side note, the word ‘clipboard’ has no meaning here in your use case or comment line.)

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