Hi All,
I am a complete newbie with Obsidian.
I am 100% sure I am missing something obvious here.
What I’m trying to do
I am trying to use a hot key to bring in a template into an existing file.
Things I have tried
I have looked around and can’t find anything obvious that I am missing.
Here is the text from the log (any idea what I am missing):
app.js:1 Obsidian Developer Console
plugin:dataview:20020 Dataview: version 0.5.64 (requires obsidian 0.13.11)
plugin:obsidian-tasks-plugin:149 [2024-01-22-07:41:01.111][info][tasks] loading plugin "Tasks" v5.6.0
plugin:obsidian-icon-folder:5553 loading iconize
plugin:obsidian-hotkeys-for-templates:2164 loading Hotkeys for templates plugin v1.4.3
plugin:obsidian-hotkeys-for-templates:2294 Hotkeys for templates -> active plugins: core
plugin:dataview:12759 Dataview: all 6 files have been indexed in 0.051s (6 cached, 0 skipped).
plugin:cmdr:7 No Command selected
plugin:templater-obsidian:1945 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'value')
at eval (plugin:templater-obsidian:1945:35)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (app.js:1:1435482)
plugin:templater-obsidian:61 Templater Error: Couldn't find the template file associated with this hotkey
File "Templates/Quick+Capture" doesn't exist
log_error @ plugin:templater-obsidian:61
plugin:templater-obsidian:1945 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'value')
at eval (plugin:templater-obsidian:1945:35)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (app.js:1:1435482)
plugin:templater-obsidian:61 Templater Error: Couldn't find the template file associated with this hotkey
File "Templates/Quick_Capture" doesn't exist
log_error @ plugin:templater-obsidian:61
plugin:templater-obsidian:1945 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'value')
at eval (plugin:templater-obsidian:1945:35)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (app.js:1:1435482)
plugin:templater-obsidian:61 Templater Error: Couldn't find the template file associated with this hotkey
File "Templates/Quick_Capture" doesn't exist
log_error @ plugin:templater-obsidian:61