Tasks Plugin and task IDs

I am using an integration with Morgen calendar that requires I add an ID to each task to integrate, but the tasks plugin Create/Edit dialog doesn’t appear to have any way to specify the addition of an ID in the emoji (or any other) format.

Is there some option for this I’m just missing?

There must be something. Here in the Tasks documentation I see a reference to an id property. But I’m not sure how you create it.

It seems to be a feature that is closely linked (or specific for) dependencies (and a potential limitation, because the id gets removed for recurring tasks which get completed):

Maybe there is no simple option. But on this page, they talk about using the Meta Bind plugin, and there is another reference to the id, and the image looks like you can maybe configure different types of data.

Yes, it does appear that with dependencies it will recognize them, but only when they already exist or you’re creating a dependency.