Tasks not converting to radio boxes

This could be user-error but when I add the markdown for a task, it does not convert to a radio button in the page-view mode.

and page view mode

You can also see the dates aren’t converting in the code at the top of the page for the title and 'yesterday, today, tomorrow

I’ve searched the forums and help text as well as disabled and uninstalled task plugins, but I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.

Send help.

Put a dash in front of them like so:

- [ ] Task 1
- [ ] Task 2
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And to save a bit of effort, rather than typing “- [ ]” you can also press Cmd-Enter or Ctrl-Enter which automatically makes a dash, and then the 2nd time, automatically makes the task format. And then a 3rd time, toggles between checked and unchecked.

As for the “tp_today” template, maybe someone already knows, but what plugin are you using that is expecting “tp_today” and “tp_tomorrow”? I’m not familiar with that template notation.


Thank you both @davidolrik and @rigmarole so very much. Those were the magic ticket.

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