Tasks Fail To Show Up In Queries When Inside A Callout in Obsidian 1.6.3

Any task created inside any callout box will not be Listed in a Tasks query, but if I move the task outside the Callout, it shows up.

Steps to reproduce

  • Paste the following into any note
- [ ] This Task is outside a callout #testing ➕ 2024-06-13

>[!error] ***Callout***
>- [ ] This Task is inside a callout #testing ➕ 2024-06-13

>[!error] ***Task Query***
>status.type is TODO
>tags include #testing

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]: Yes

Expected result

  • Both tasks should show up

Actual result

  • Only the task outside the callout shows up


SYSTEM INFO: (For Sandbox Test, not screenshot)
Obsidian version: v1.6.3
Installer version: v1.4.16
Operating system: Windows 10 Enterprise 10.0.19045
Login status: logged in
Catalyst license: vip
Insider build toggle: on
Live preview: on
Base theme: dark
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: off
Plugins installed: 6
Plugins enabled: 6
1: Dataview v0.5.66
2: Tasks v7.4.0
3: Callout Manager v1.1.0

Additional information

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We do not take bug reports involving third party plugins.
That being said, there is currently a couple of bugs affecting obsidian core obsidian

Yeah, there is an open GH Issue and also another thread w/a relevant post. Anyone happening on this thread should check those out as a workaround is available.

TL;DR - Problem is due to an issue w/how tasks reads line numbers. The workaround is to remove the label from any callout that has tasks. See links for details.

Edit: Updated Forum link from thread to post.

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Thank you so much for this, it have worked for me!

Looking forward to the 1.6.4v so we can put labels on our callouts again and still have functional task lists

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