Task-Solution Oriented Templates for reference during ML / Data Science tasks (link included)


I’d like to share these templates as they have helped organize my need to learn many data science concepts quickly and the desire to have a task-solution oriented database.

Given a task, a set of solutions with narrowing assumptions guides you towards a conceptual summary, classic example, code implementation and references,


  • to enable a problem type → task → (solutions + limitations + examples + references) flow that has content based on
    • what you think are critical to your task
    • where you need to be efficient at work


  1. You are assigned a task that is new to you
  2. This falls under a type of problem
  3. Find the specific task under the right problem type
  4. Look at the assumptions of each solution in the task note and follow the link to the relevant solution note
  5. You will find summary in your words, examples, code etc
  6. If you have no such note make it as you go,you’ll then have an easy time the second time around

The note types are

  • ::problem-type

  • ::task

  • ::solution

    • ::objects

The object notes serve to supplement material in solution notes.

Hope this helps someone. Adapt to your liking

Please share any suggestions you have, I’m always looking to make this a more efficient system


Note: as many of you know I am a zettelkasten enthusiast and maintain a synced physical and digital zettelkasten. My system using these templates does not adhere strictly to that system–however note types are used in place of many folders, and the notion of structure notes is intact. But these templates prefer rapid usability over philosophical purity,