Task query: Filter undone tasks that don't have tags

Things I have tried

not done
tag does not include <tag>

What I’m trying to do

Many of my tasks don’t have a tag. How can I filter undone tasks that don’t have any tag

If I understand you correctly, you only want to get incomplete tasks that (1) don’t have a particular tag but also (2) have at least one tag. If that’s correct, please give this a try, where the tag you don’t want is called ignore:

not done
(tag regex matches /.+/i) AND (tags do not include ignore)

So you want uncompleted task which don’t have any tags, I think that would be something like this:

not done
tags regex does not match /./i

It makes sure that the tags don’t match any character at all. The moment a tag exists, it’ll match the any character, ., so this should catch any tag, and it does so in my simple test queries.

So there you have it, one reply limiting to tasks with tags (and possibly not that particular tag), and one reply limiting to tasks without tags.

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