Task Management with Kanban's Tasks as Kanbans


I’ve using Obsidian for a while now and I have settled on some workflow that I’d like to automate a little from now onwards.

I usually have a lot of Projects that I need to keep track of and most also relate to programming, so I’ve found that working with Kanban boards is the optimal setup for me.

I have a “Projects Kanban” with “Projects” Tasks that link to each “Project Kanban”.
Then, each “Project Kanban” has a set of tasks with a link to the corresponding file that might be a “Project Task Kanban” or any other file.

Currently this has been working very well for me, but I have to do everything by hand.

When creating a Project:
1.- Create the “[[Project Task]]” task in the “Projects Kanban”
2.- Click the link “[[Project Task]]” to create the file
3.- Import my Kanban Template in to the new file
4.- Move the file to a sub-folder where the “Project Tasks Kanban” are located (This is a sub-folder in the same directory)

When Creating a Project’s Task:
1.- Create the “[[Task]]” task in the corresponding “Project Kanban”
2.- Click the link “[[Task]]” to create the file
3.- Import my Kanban Template (or another template) in to the new file
4.- Move the file to a sub-folder in the same directory (Here I’d like it to be a folder for each “Project”)

What I’m trying to do

So I’m trying to implement that workflow in an automated manner. Meaning that:
A. I’d like to be able to provide a “Project Name” and it creates a task in the “Projects Kanban” and a Kanban Board from my Template in the corresponding “Projects Folder”, then opens it
B. When inside any “Project Kanban”, I’d like to be able to provide a name that creates a task in the “Project Kanban”, creates the file from a selection of templates in the particular “Project Tasks Folder” and opens it

Things I have tried

I’ve read many things on-line, tried implementing it with QuickAdd, tried the Projects Plugin, and some other things, but I haven’t been able to suceed, particularly with the files/folder managing aspect, and I’m not even sure what would be the best approach to accomplish my goals.


  • I’m using Metadata Menu and I’d like the implementation to not break it

Solved it!

Ended up relying solely on QuickAdd by creating two macros.

(0. Created the main “Projects Board” manually)

  1. Add to Projects Kanban Board Macro:

  • Add Project Kanban: Template choice with File Name as “{{Value:Project Name}} Blah 12123123.md”, created in “Project” folder, and is opened afterwards
  • Add Project Task: Simple Capture to the “Projects Board”, with Task format, and inserting after “## To Do” at end of section, with format “[[{{Value:Project Name}} Blah 12123123]]”
  1. Add to Project Kanban Board Macro:

  • get_active_file_name: this was the “tricky” part, had to store a ‘.js’ file in my Vault with the following script:


  • Add Project Sub Task: Simple Capture to the active file, with task format, inserted after “## To Do”, at the end of section, with format “[[{{VALUE:Task Name}}-{{VALUE:ActiveFileName}}]]”
  • Add Project Sub Task Kanban: Template choice with File name as “{{VALUE:Task Name}}-{{VALUE:ActiveFileName}}.md” and in the “Sub-Tasks” folder, is opened afterwards

Wanted to have the parent “ActiveFileName” (or its id) so that I can know to which Project each Sub-Task relates to.


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