Tags and Titles from Hugo

What I’m trying to do

I am trying to get the content I have created in my blog to integrate into obsidian. I don’t want to put the files directly in my vault as my blog has other workflows.

Things I have tried

I placed a symlink in my vault and pointed it to the content folder of my Hugo blog. This worked amazingly. My content showed up immediately. HOWEVER, there are two hiccups that I am trying to iron out.

  1. Hugo tags can have spaces in them but are encased in double quotes: e.g., "my tag" This gets parsed by obsidian as two tags. Is there a way to respect the double quotes so that the graph view respects the Hugo tags?
  2. My use of Hugo uses folders (with the post title as title/url) and index.md files as the content. Is there a way to get the graph view to either display the title from the title value in the header metadata or from the name of the folder. My graph now has hundreds of file nodes with the name “index” and mouse-over for the title becomes disfunctional.