Table's content is squash in short column width

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Steps to reproduce

table content as follows:

| type| range|approximate range|
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| int | -2147483548~+2147483647 ($$-2^{31}  $$~$$  +2^{31}-1$$) | $$-2 \times 10^{9}  $$~$$2 \times 10^{9} $$ |
| long long | $$-2^{63}  $$~$$  +2^{63}-1$$ | $$-9 \times 10^{18}  $$~$$9 \times 10^{18} $$ |


Expected result

Actual result



  • Operating system:
  • Obsidian version:

Additional information

Check out the docs on how to write math formulae in Obsidian.