Table shows too much tags


I’m trying to get a list of articles grouped by the used tags - which doesn’t work. So I’ve tried it with a table:

TABLE file.tags
FROM #tag/subtag

Now I have a table with my articles and their tags (not grouped at all, but hey: Articles and tags!), but the output of the tags is:


What can I do to only show the tag I’ve used in the article? Not the full “breadcrump” of tags? I want to see “#tag/subtag/subsubtag” - “#tag/subtag” and “#tag” are useless for me at that point.

Can anybody help me?

You want a list of articles using one specific tag?

## subtag
FROM #tag/subtag

In your table with “too much tags”, you can join all the tags and avoid a list:

TABLE join(file.tags, " ") as tags
FROM #tag/subtag
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