Table of Contents Python Script


I wrote a simple python script for creating a table of content based on the headers. Finished product gets copied to the clipboard.

The plan is to create a simple hotkey for activating it or something of that sort…

This is actually my first completed project since i started learning to code, so im pretty stoked it worked!

If you have any feedback or improvements it would be much appreciated!

After pasting the result back into Obsidan it looks like this:


import re
import pyperclip

fileName = 'Lists in Python'
vaultFolder = '/Users/macbook-air/SynologyDrive/The Cortex/000 Notater/'
filePath = vaultFolder + fileName + '.md'

# Leser filen
with open(filePath) as file_object:
   content =

# Removes all the text between the ``` character - Codeblocks in particular
regex = r"```.*?```"
txt = str(content)
txt = re.sub(regex, '', txt, 0, re.DOTALL)

removeComma = txt.replace(",",";-;")
cleanTitles = removeComma.replace("\n",",")
cleanTitlesList = cleanTitles.split(",")

finishedList = []
for i in cleanTitlesList:
    noComma= i.replace(";-;", ",")

tab = "    "
print("- [[" + fileName + "]]")

fullTxt = "- [[" + fileName + "]]\n"

for i in finishedList:
    if i[:2] == "# ":
        fullTxt += (tab * 0) + "- [[" + fileName + '#' + i[2:] + '|' + i[2:] + "]]\n"

    if i[:3] == "## ":
        fullTxt += (tab * 1) + "- [[" + fileName + '#' + i[3:] + '|' + i[3:] + "]]\n"

    if i[:4] == "### ":
        fullTxt += (tab * 2) + "- [[" + fileName + '#' + i[4:] + '|' + i[4:] + "]]\n"

    if i[:5] == "#### ":
        fullTxt += (tab * 3) + "- [[" + fileName + '#' + i[5:] + '|' + i[5:] + "]]\n"

    if i[:6] == "##### ":
        fullTxt += (tab * 4) + "- [[" + fileName + '#' + i[6:] + '|' + i[6:] + "]]\n"

    if i[:7] == "###### ":
        fullTxt += (tab * 5) + "- [[" + fileName + '#' + i[7:] + '|' + i[7:] + "]]\n"


Why would someone use a script when there is a plug-in? Dynamic Table of Contents.

The formatting on the plugin was not what i needed. This one gives you the link to the page followed by the heading placement. Also, the plan is to do this on all notes automatically and create a master table of sorts.

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why not. you can use python to manipulate files externally. and the result with indentation is nice.

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