Table headers aren't aligned (with extended markdown syntax)

Steps to reproduce

Write the following table:

| default | left | center | right |
| --- | :--- | :---: | ---: | 
| default | left | center | right |
| aaaaaaaaaaaaaa | bbbbbbbbbbbbb | cccccccccccc | dddddddddddd |

Expected result

Headers should be aligned depending on the alignment syntax of markdown extended syntax.

The forum has good alignment:

default left center right
default left center right
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb cccccccccccc dddddddddddd

Actual result

html (th are missing align):



  • Operating system: OSX

  • Obsidian version: 0.7.6

This part (the header alignment) is not strictly defined in the spec. So different parsers took different implementation decisions.

We will align the header with the rest of the table starting with 0.8.1

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