Tab Stacks/Sliding Mode: Add option to show only one tab a time with two collapsed stacks on the sides (full width tab)

SUPPORTING THIS FEATURE AND OBSIDIAN SHOULD HAVE MORE OPTION FOR THE TABS AND PANES TOO, for now everything is too rough in terms of slides and tabs compared to sliding pane plugin and obsidian tabs plugin in pre 1.0ver era

This is an issue for me and I tried multiple themes, thinking something might be wrong with the theme. But nothing changed. I used @DavidMcKidev 's snippet (thank you!!!) and it worked and I’m a happy camper again!

Thank you very much. It maybe small thing to most people, but I tend to be extremely easily distracted. That really helped.

I also very much support this request

Thank you! This is a big help.

Support, “Toggle stacking” and “pane width” options is what I miss the most.

The feature is needed. With the hotkey and may be mouse control (to just drag the planes for however width you want), imo. The CSS is fix is nice (thanks!), but I would also like to be able to control the behaviour of panes myself on the go. I actually like to use the “side-by-side” panes, but not all the time. Only workarounds I found for now are - closing all other panes (baaad) or switch to full screen through a plugin (super limiting)…

ps: im a new user who came after the mentioned here plugin

Sliding panes / stacked tabs view is without doubt a great addition to Obsidian, but also a bit rough on the edges, (for some longer time now - since its introduction in version 1 if I remember correctly )

Lately i use more tabs, not bc i prefer them over stacked view but bc i can focus better on single notes

Also , i can drag another note and open a new section in obsidians window, to deal with 2 notes side by side .

But i really appreciate how stacked tabs allows continuous scrolling , it’s like turning pages in a book .

Sometimes however , i would love to literally “expand” on a note to focus better on its content . Because … notes and notes are not all the same and this doesn’t correlate with quality , some notes are just shorter than other notes.

So i used maximise active pane, created by the same author who first introduced sliding panes for Obsidian, inspired by Andy Matuschak . Thanks very much !

I discourage to use the above mentioned plugin now , bc partially broken in newer versions of obsidian

I really hope, that stacked view gets a “maximize active pane” feature in the future to help us to skim and focus on notes when needed.


Thanks for the solution. I set up a toggle button in the header with the plugins “Snippet Commands” + “Commander” and it works perfectly.


I added expanded notes to stacked tab view mode to my theme, called Dune, if sb is interested.

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So I don’t know how this worked, but somehow I could kind accomplish Tab non-stack by this snippet:

body {
  --tab-stacked-pane-width: 100px;

Note it is 100px not 100%. That should result in very skinny tabs but it doesn’t. It just result in all tabs dividing the full width, without stacking.

Hope this helps for now.

Furthermore, i would like to add to the original post that newly created tabs added with the plus button (top bar) should always open on the left/right side of the current tab position, like when we create a new note

Currently, creating a new tab unfolds all stacked tabs on the right side (esp visible if you have lots of tabs on the right side but your current tab is more at the beginning / left side of your stacked tabs) , which seems like a bug to me.

In stacked tab view, creating a new (empty) tab should behave the same way as creating a be note - open after of before the current tab

Stacked tabs view makes some Excalidrawings unusable since I can’t get full width on my landscape-shaped drawings.

I’m not sure how to include an attachment.

Wow, thanks!

I’m using the Minimal theme. In Style Settings Minimal>Tab Stacks my “Stacked Width” is set to 1500 pixels (rather than the default 700). I believe to achieve exactly the behaviour suggested by the OP without any CSS snippets (as suggested further down in the thread).

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I’m confused, I thought you were someone people would ask to actually implement features as part of the Obsidian Team. Are you not a developer on the Obsidian Team (possibly some other role)? I don’t mean to be rude but I just thought your replies in other threads indicated you would be in the position to implement features (and not need to make feature requests of your own).

Do you mean the default tab view? If so, just open a bug report on excalidraws github page

Thanks to @DavidMcKidev for providing a quick fix. I also support an official implementation of this feature!

One more support. I use the panes on my laptop and i always see two active panes taking up the screen. This means i cant see the full text on each of the window because the wrapping gets messy.

Great suggestion! Works wonderfully!