Syncing between Linux and Mobile

What I’m trying to do

I started working with Obsidian for a short week, so I’m an Obsidian Baby and need your help.

My setup: Linux workstation is prime working machine - also it is for Obsidian. After I’m done for the day, I want to Sync my Vault to the cloud, from where I want to get the latest vault version for my mobiles

Things I have tried

My 1st try was ‘Remotely Save’.

  • WebDav refused to connect.
  • Next, I tried Dropbox as remote. Here I could connect but got a lot of error messages with every Sync, so this also was not helpful.

Next, I tried Remotely Sync. First thing I noticed was the missing opportunity to change sync mode (Push/Pull/Full). Not my favorite, but OK. I noticed the same problems related to Dropbox and WebDav. So I chose Onedrive. This seemed to be working, but changes on the one side did not arrive on the other side. So here there also seems to be a problem. Now, I’m a little bit lost and don’t know what to try next.

Do you guys Sync in a similar way as I want to? Any idea, what I’m doing wrong?

Your help will be very appreciated. Thanks in advance and greetings from Taunus/Germany

Linux ↔ iPadOS syncer here.
I take it you want a free solution?

I use git. See the topic on how to set it up and use it “via A-Shell” (search for this cue).
GitHub Desktop for Linux recommended.
It is a similar approach if you have Android (there I tried the Mgit app but it doesn’t seem to be optimized for large vaults).

Yes, I do since I have several cloud subscriptions and don’t want another one :wink:

And yes, git will be the next opportunity. But I’m still optimistic, s/o using a similar solution with Dropbox / Onedrive might tell me: “That’s the problem and that is the corresponding solution” :wink: