Sync touches add mtimes and messing up all last time edited metadata

Continuing from here;

Why does OBS Sync touch all mtimes?

Git shows 1906 altered files:


It does this with ANY file that has to be synced. E.g. you make changes on your desktop devices, if you open OBS on mobile a few days after, ALL mtimes are adjusted to the time of sync, which I considering “breaking” my vault.


  1. Open Sync enabled vault
  2. Copy original data into this (metadata is still fine)
  3. Sync is doing it’s thing, altering all mtimes to the time of sync

As mentioned the top linked topic, I am on iCloud currently, as iOS user I either need iCloud or OBS Sync. I had problems with Sync before, so I figure i’d try it again. This bug literally means I can not migrate my vault to OBS Sync without losing all my mtimes…

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Sync solutions