Support sub-list embedding

Use case or problem

The list is hierarchical. When a list item contains sub-bullets, it means that each of these sub-bullet items has a strong tie to the parent list item. And in most of the case the sub-bullet items belong to the parent list item from some aspects.

Based on this understanding, a reference to the parent list item should, in-explicitly, have taken all the sub-bullets of the parent list item into account.

in note-a, there is a list:

# A subject
## People


## Lectures


## Books
- books being mentioned
    - book-set-a ^bookseta
        - book-a
        - book-b
        - book-c
    - book-set-b ^booksetb
        - book-e
        - book-f
        - book-g
    - book-set-c ^booksetc
        - book-h
        - book-i
        - book-j
- books not mentioned
    - book-k

in note-b, there is block references to the book-sets

The following books are available:



And the following books are unavailable:


in note-b, a block reference which shows only “book-set-a” or “book-set-b” or “book-set-c” is almost useless. What is expected in note-b is the names of the book within the specified book-set, in the form of a expandable list:

Jan-05-2022 09-41-15

Since we have already grouped books into different sets with a list in note-a, it is not necessary to give a separate block reference to each of the books within the book-sets in note-a and use them separately in note-b.

Proposed solution

It is better that the sub-bullets items are also shown or indicated in the context where the block reference is referred.

In other words, if the [[note_name^blockrefid]] points to a list item with sub-bullets, it points to the list item including all its sub-bullet items. And![[note_name^blockrefid]] shows the list item and all its sub-bullet items.

And a maximum depth of the sub-bullet that is shown can be provided in the configuration, for the reason of simplicity.

Current workaround (optional)

A potential solution is provided in

by @argentum as:

However, I don’t think @argentum 's solution is a good one, as the solution actually breaks and damages the structure of the original list and original note which are referred.

Related feature requests (optional)

A more ambitious feature request about taking not only the sub-bullets but also the sibling bullets of the parent list item into account is posted here:

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