I have the same (or similar) issue. Is there a way to link to bookmarks so that I can create a MOC that assembles links to notes as well as bookmarks? I ask this because the way I use bookmarks in Obsidian is how I use bookmarks in the analogue way, that is to attach bookmarks to specific pages or paragraphs in books. I don’t usually create stand-alone notes for every interesting idea I come across in a book I’m reading but I want to be able to assemble and retrieve interesting ideas from various sources when I am working on an academic article.
I don’t understand what this would actually do. Can you explain more specifically what it would do, or what you are trying to do?
For example, if you click on the link to a bookmark, where would it “take” you? Would it highlight and select the bookmark in the bookmarks pane?
Or would it take you to where that bookmark points? In that case, why not just skip the middle step, and make a block link directly?
Likewise, I don’t understand what benefit you see in linking “to a bookmark”. Because it sounds like you are describing block quotes. You can already link to a specific paragraph in your note. That is block links. Plus you can also make a bookmark to a specific block.
Bookmarks: Bookmark block under cursor, or right-click and Bookmark this block...
Not trying to doubt either of you. Just curious for more details to understand what it is you’re looking for.