I wanted to request support for loading and using additional LaTeX packages. For example, I often need to embed chemical equations within my notes using the mhchem package. I’m not sure if this would be implemented behind-the-scenes or through the custom CSS, but would love to see a toggle or option for this. Thanks so much!
This would also be really useful for me, even if at first it was just restricted to standard packages like amsmath, tikz etc.
mhchem is love…
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I second that! Packages (or rather: MathJax extensions) that would be game changers for me would be: xypic.js
(https://sonoisa.github.io/xyjax_ext/xypic.js), AMSmath.js
and AMSsymbols.js
, as well as the ability to define new macros
I’ve just opened a feature request: MathJax extensions
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We will add the full set of mathjax packeges in a future release. If you want other packages, maybe you can load them when the plugin interface will be available.
Did anything ever happen with this? I haven’t been following Obsidian development too closely with the plugins and all, can one do this nowadays?