Use case or problem
When building nested lists with checkboxes, sometimes you want to have higher level categories that are easy to spot: this is the goal of headings.
If checkboxes in heading would work and render as they do not in headings, it would be useful here.
Proposed solution
The following syntax should create a checkbox, and when the checkbox is checked, should strike through the line:
# - [ ] This is a heading with an unchecked checkbox
#### - [X] This is a heading with a checked checkbox
It should work with any level of heading. The whole heading should get strikethrough when the checkbox is checked, like it is done currently in non-heading cases.
Current workaround (optional)
I use the syntax above, but the checkbox is not displayed, neither is the strikethrough.
Related feature requests (optional)
This is briefly mentionned too in this thread: Support checkboxes in tables - #40 by ohreallyhmmm