Suggestion Mode for Obsidian like Google Docs/Word for editing notes

Use case or problem

So one of the very few issues I have with the program is that editing notes in Obsidian is somewhat sub-par (imo). I will write large documents in it sometimes, but then I have to take it into Word or a Google Doc for fuller editing, which I have reasons for preferring not to do.

Proposed solution

I think a great step towards fixing this problem would be a “suggestion” or “review” mode, like in Microsoft Word or in Google Docs, where you can see what was written beforehand either in a comment or colour coded, and then you can re-write what you’ve written into the note itself.

Current workaround (optional)

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Can you describe the feature more for people who haven’t used it? I’m having trouble picturing it.

In Microsoft Word you can “suggest” a change in text in editing mode. If you delete text, the words will automatically change color and will be changed to strikethrough text. If you add text, it too will change color and be underlined. There is then an “accept all changes” action which will remove the deleted text and add the new text in the document’s normal font. Just about every word processor application has this feature

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Oh, yes, I’ve actually used that before. I added a link to the original post.

I think the Microsoft version is Track Changes but I’m not sure enough to put the link in the post.

If you don’t need an “accept suggestion” feature or anything like that you could in theory use markdown comments. Comments are created by enclosing the comment using two percent signs on each side (i.e. normal text %% comment %% normal text). They are not rendered in reading mode.

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That’s what I do (except I use HTML comments instead of Obsidian’s custom syntax). I ==highlight the relevant text==<!--and put a comment right after it-->. I have a way to show all the highlights in one place but it’s not super smooth. If I ever learn how to make plugins, I’ll make one for it.

Now that I think about it, tracking changes basically implies some sort of version control. So one could use a system like git which easily allows to track changes between different versions of files and can potentially be abused to fit you use case.
There are also some nice tools for viewing (and merging) differences between two files that are not based on version control systems such as diffuse.
The downside of these workarounds is that they all require 3rd party tools. An integrated solution would be preferable. Maybe a proper git integration is worth a post in plugin ideas or even a FR, but this might already be sufficient.