Subtitle/closed caption for video

Nice to have video embed! I was wondering if it’s possible to add subtitle or closed caption for a video. If videos are embed in the form of html <video> tag, I think it would be easy to implement! (new to html, maybe I was wrong about this)

For the convenience, video embed could just detect and load subtitle if there is a subtitle file having the same name with the video.

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Done: Release 2.4.0 · alx-plugins/media-extended · GitHub

Just put the srt or vtt file in the same folder as the video file with the same name as the video.


Make captions automatically appear for an embedded video by adding “&cc_load_policy=1” to the video’s embed code.

You can also choose a caption language for the embedded youtube video. To specify the caption language for the video that you’d like to embed, just add “&cc_lang_pref=fr&cc_load_policy=1” to the video’s embed code.

  • “cc_lang_pref” sets the language for the captions shown in the video.
  • “cc_load_policy=1” turns captions on by default.
  • “fr” represents the language code for French. You can look up 2-letter language codes in the ISO 639-1 standard.

This is great! Just one question: there is a way to set the size of subtitles? They are to small.

video::cue {
font-size: 2rem;
background-color: green;