Styling Supercharged Links with outlining them

hi, i’m using Supercharged Links plugin, and i want to stylize certain links even further. to be precise, i want to add an outline to them, like this:

the issue is, CSS i did applies to every link (i did it with a:-webkit-any-link). however, what i want to do is to target specific links. we can go even further, and what i actually want to do is to add outline to links which have background color, and this outline must inherit the color of text of the link

i tried doing it with

span:has(div.setting-item-description, cm-link-alias.[data-link-icon="continent" i]) { /*continent being a tag for Supercharged Links */
outline-color: inherit;

but it can not inherit the color of the text of the link for some reason unknown to me. if done the same with a instead of span, it just doesn’t work