Stuck in loop on export full canvas to image (when app in full screen mode)

Here is a gif of the jumping, the screenshot was correct in this case.

Experiencing the same issue, when I navigate to the Obsidian window by changing desktop, it does the ‘jump’, appears I have to guess the export time correctly to avoid this and more consistently get the export successfully.

I’m also unable to click stop at all. Animation affect occurs but nothing else.

Experiencing this on my MacBook Pro M1 on macOS Monterey

New Discoveries

  • ViewPort Only simply closes the menu when pressing save, executes no action.
  • Full Canvas Works as intended when NOT in full screen canvas view. (Shows tile count and progress, exports correctly and closes window when complete.


I have updated to the latest version of Obsidian this morning, Unsure if these observation hold true to older versions, but I believe the recent updates didn’t involve canvas changes

I have found a workaround to the original problem I had on my mac.

It seems that this problem only occurs if I have obsidian in full screen. If it is windowed, I do not have this issue

Can everybody confirm that this does not happen in windowed mode (not full screen?)

Can confirm I was having same issue as OP and was running in full screen on MacOS. Switching to windowed resolved issue.