Strange prefix to note names in index note

What is it?

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I had a C64 and put FFFF’s everywhere to play with most stamina/lives and of course tried my hand with machine code at 14/15, but after high school (Windows 95, Pascal, DBase), I went computerless for a long time. I am trying to regain my hand as it is.

Vim like everything else is an acquired taste but looks “too much” for me.
I am all for automation though. Machine must be a slave for humans, not master.


Ah. If it’s older than all those other languages you mentioned, what are its roots?

Are you in Hungary?

Roots? Remember what Enrico Fermi said of Hungarians?
It’s somewhere from above, indeed.

I finished my 10 year stint in Old Blighty and back in the Mother (=Magyar) Lode.

I had to search again. It wasn’t what Fermi said. It was what he asked: “Where are they?” He was referring to extraterrestrials. I take it it’s Szilard’s answer to which you’re referring: “They are among us, but they call themselves Hungarians.”

I guessed right about “Old Blighty,” but had to check that too.

Dangerous question: What do you think of Orban?

Some (other) lines are attributed to Fermi.

The same opinion I have of Trump: the lesser of two evils when compared to their opponents (who are always employed as a threat: if you don’t vote for me, you’ll get the other guy).
I recommend you get a general picture of what’s going on from the Aussie Maxwell Igan, who, incidentally also pushed the Magyar nostratic root language theory (on account of Australian aboriginal white and black people’s similar root language). Check out my YT channel @0tt0fl0tt for two of Max’s excellent videos (just turn subs off).

My opinion of Trump is expressed–well, not completely, but as a starting place or sum up–by a bumper sticker occasionally seen around here as things began warming up for the 2020 presidential election: “Any warm body.”

People are being out-psyched by being offered two choices/extremes which are portrayed as opposites, while in fact both of these pseudo-opposites are manipulated by the same Hand.
People are being taken advantage of fast becoming two-bit consumer bio-robots who, as they are more and more incapable of shedding their either-or mentality, are stuck being forced to make decisions based on a limited set of (either or) choices, because the media is focused on constantly splitting them down the middle and a third way (the golden means) is not presented as an alternative. And when it is, it will be, again, controlled by the same profit/soul-hungry Hand.
We are being out psyched, is all, my friend.

In the mid-90s I attempted a career change: putting experience and skills to work in an area I was passionate about. I developed new relationships, learned a lot, and wrote about things that perviously I would have thought beyond me.

As a result I ended up poor. I survived but did not thrive. As I approached retirement I was afraid I was going to live out my life in poverty. It hasn’t turned out that way: I don’t have a lot. I have enough. Enough, e.g., to travel a bit.

I think it’s because I have always lived pretty frugally. It wasn’t something I worked at. It was that the alternative–obsessive, greedy, gluttonous, materialist consumption–has never appealed to me. At the age most teens here are eager to get their drivers license I didn’t want one. I didn’t want to stop walking and running. I have never owned a television. Dominated by advertisers and competition for viewers, almost always it has struck me as distracting and superficial.

My grandfather was a farmer. I should have gone into farming with him. He was a good, kind, no nonsense man. He made a good living for him and my grandmother on a farm that was impossibly small compared to farms in the area today. With farming in the area today dominated by patented seeds, commercial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and huge expensive machines, farmers can’t plant a crop without taking on huge risky debt. On farms several times the size of my grandfather’s, it is doubtful farmers have the quality of life my grandfather enjoyed. And they have stress to deal with about which my grandfather knew nothing.

Nature shows a better way. As I sometimes say, if we would learn to cooperate with it, let it take the lead, instead of trying to manage it, to improve on it, we would be healthier, wealthier, and happier in ways we cannot imagine.

Seems like you are an avid Max Igan listener. Yes, Mr Global (not for lack of a better word, which is a no-no on this site – as well), makes sure we all die fully in compliance.
I urge all on this site to forget about a second brain and regain the first one. A human head, if possible.

Changing the link format only applies to new links. It doesn’t affect existing ones.

Thanks. I saw that. But decided to make a new link for one of the existing ones. It didn’t show the prefix. So I went through and replaced them all. There weren’t that many.

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