"store in iCloud" option never appears

Correct :blush: .

I think Obsidian Mobile can only manage the vaults stored in the very specific Obsidian folder in iCloud.
I mean, on Mobile, Obsidian will only consider a folder as a vault if it’s stored within the Obsidian folder (and if there’s a .obsidian within it I guess).

This means that if you want to sync vaults between Mac, iPhone, iPad with iCloud, you first need to create a vault on mobile through Obsidian so it can be used by Obsidian everywhere.
(Although, I’ve actually never tried to create a vault from Obsidian Desktop directly in the specific “mobile” Obsidian folder in iCloud :thinking: … Edit: Well, this works too :laughing: )

But that’s not the case for Mac (iirc)… If you don’t need to sync vaults between devices using iCloud and access them from Obsidian Mobile, there’s nothing preventing you to store a vault in iCloud in any folder you want :blush:

My very first vaults, before Obsidian Mobile was released, were all stored somewhere in iCloud (so I could still access the notes from mobile, if needed, using another mobile app :smile: )